Author: Theoneste Byagutangaza | 100 points
Can you make sense of this file?
Download the file here.
Once we download the file and cat it, we get the following text.
From this we can tell that it's Base64 from the '==' at the end of the string. From here we can drop it in CyberChef and use the Base64 formula to get the flag.
Once we drop it in CyberChef and use the Base64 forumla to convert it, we can see it doesn't work the first time. Taking the hint of the title 'repetitions', we use the Base 64 forumla six times to finally get the flag.
The flag we get in CyberChef is picoCTF{base64_n3st3d_dic0d!n8_d0wnl04d3d_492767d2}
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