Author: LT 'syreal' Jones | 300 points
Don't power users get tired of making spelling mistakes in the shell? Not anymore! Enter Special, the Spell Checked Interface for Affecting Linux. Now, every word is properly spelled and capitalized... automatically and behind-the-scenes! Be the first to test Special in beta, and feel free to tell us all about how Special streamlines every development process that you face. When your co-workers see your amazing shell interface, just tell them: That's Special (TM) Start your instance to see connection details.
ssh -p ***** ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net
The password is ********
First we use the ssh command above to login to the challenge environment and are greeting with the 'Special' shell. It appears the shell takes our commands and tries to spell check them into actual words like 'is' and 'pod'. Below I try to use ls
and it spell checks it to is
Additionally, when we try to use the bash command to spawn a bash shell, we are greeted with the following prompt.
I've always been more of a zsh guy anyway. After messing around with the syntax of the commands for a bit, we find out if we use double parentheses we can get commands to execute. Using this method with ls
, we find a file in the home directory.
With enough parentheses.. we find out blargh is a directory.
Now we just ls
the directory, see there is a flag.txt file, and cat
the file to get the flag.
This was kind of a silly challenge but nonetheless the flag is picoCTF{5p311ch3ck_15_7h3_w0r57_6a2763f6}
Last updated