Author: Mubarak Mikail | 100 points
Try reversing this file? Can ya?
I forgot the password to this file. Please find it for me?
The file we are given in is shown below.
We are given an executable file and told to to find the password to the file. When we execute the file, after adding permissions, we are given the following prompt.
Since this challenge is one of the easier ones, I figured not to open up Ghidra or IDA right away and use some simple instead: strings. Strings is a tool in Linunx that... searchs a file for strings. This seems very basic but can be a good first step when analyzing any executable to identifiy labels and functions.
After using the strings program, we find the flag picoCTF{3lf_r3v3r5ing_succe55ful_2f0131a4}
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